5 books on Identity Management software [PDF]

Updated: February 27, 2024

Books on Identity Management software are essential references for startups in the identity management industry, offering a comprehensive understanding of the technologies, strategies, and best practices necessary for creating secure and efficient identity management solutions. These publications cover a wide range of topics, including user authentication, access control, single sign-on, and identity federation, equipping startups with the knowledge needed to develop user-friendly, privacy-focused software. They often include practical case studies and insights from experienced identity management professionals, enabling startups to learn from successful implementations and stay updated on evolving trends in identity management, such as biometric authentication and decentralized identity systems.

1. Keycloak - Identity and Access Management for Modern Applications
2021 by Stian Thorgersen, Pedro Igor Silva

Unlock the potential of Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution, with this comprehensive guide. Designed for developers, sysadmins, and security engineers, this book provides hands-on tutorials, best practices, and self-assessment questions to help you implement authentication and authorization for modern applications. Covering Keycloak, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect, the guide walks you through installing, configuring, and managing Keycloak, ensuring your applications are secured against potential vulnerabilities. As you advance, you'll delve into advanced capabilities, learn how to customize Keycloak to suit your needs, and explore production deployment strategies. By the end of the book, you'll be equipped to install, manage, and secure Keycloak for both new and existing applications, making it an invaluable resource for enhancing application security. This book is suitable for individuals with beginner-level knowledge of app development, authentication, and authorization.
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2. Hacking Multifactor Authentication
2020 by Roger A. Grimes

Safeguard your organization against shockingly accessible exploits in Multifactor Authentication (MFA) security. While MFA is rapidly gaining popularity across digital platforms, the vulnerability of MFA-protected accounts has led to millions of dollars being pilfered. Despite the common belief that MFA is highly secure, the truth is that no MFA solution is completely impervious to hacking, with most susceptible to at least five distinct methods of compromise. "Hacking Multifactor Authentication" unveils the inner workings of MFA and exposes the weak links in its multi-step authentication processes. This comprehensive guide explores over two dozen ways various MFA solutions can be hacked, offering insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and how to select the most robust MFA solution. Authored by Roger Grimes, a renowned security expert, this book provides essential knowledge for evaluating, defending against, and preventing losses from MFA hacking.
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3. Identity Attack Vectors: Implementing an Effective Identity and Access Management Solution
2019 by Morey J. Haber, Darran Rolls

Explore the vulnerabilities stemming from poor identity and privilege management within organizations with "Identity Attack Vectors: Implementing an Effective Identity and Access Management Solution." Uncover the threats associated with compromised accounts and identities, and delve into the implementation of role-based identity assignments, entitlements, and auditing strategies to mitigate risks and enhance compliance for regulatory initiatives. The book underscores the significance of Identity Access Management (IAM) as a pivotal element in enterprise security, emphasizing its role in managing accounts, credentials, roles, certification, and attestation reporting. As cyber threats evolve, the book provides insights into the risks of inadequate identity management practices, the tactics employed by threat actors, and operational best practices for safeguarding against identity theft and account compromises. Gain a comprehensive understanding of identity concepts, the role of IAM in the cyber kill chain, and effective strategies to prevent identity attack vectors. Aimed at IT operations, security, and auditing professionals, the book offers actionable insights for implementing robust identity access management programs and managing privileges in diverse environments.
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4. Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 Handbook
2016 by David Steadman, Jeff Ingalls

This comprehensive handbook delves into Microsoft Identity Manager 2016, covering design considerations, operational best practices, and the full spectrum of features from installation to configuration. Aimed at architects, developers, and technical decision-makers seeking to deploy, manage, and operate Microsoft Identity Manager 2016, the book assumes a foundational understanding of Microsoft-based infrastructure using Active Directory. Whether you're a novice or an expert in identity management, the book guides you through MIM components, synchronization, service capabilities, custom activities, access management, client certificate management, troubleshooting, and best practices. With a practical approach and step-by-step instructions, this resource equips you with the skills to address real-world customer problems and successfully implement Microsoft Identity Manager 2016. The content is presented in an accessible manner, incorporating screenshots for clarity and providing valuable on-the-field knowledge throughout.
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5. Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and Trust Models
2006 by Messaoud Benantar

"Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and Trust Models" offers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental aspects of programming systems security, focusing on identity management, trust models, and the underlying principles of access control models. The book provides in-depth insights into emerging access control mechanisms aligned with the latest Internet programming technologies, elucidating the functionality of various models in use. Special attention is given to the contemporary role-based access control (RBAC) standard. Tailored for security software developers and professionals, the book serves as a valuable resource for implementing access control systems within the defined scopes of formal models. Additionally, it caters to advanced-level students specializing in security programming and system design.
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