Top 5 Issue Tracking Software startups

Updated: January 03, 2024 | Editor: Fernando Lopez

Issue tracking software startups are disrupting the market by introducing innovative features such as customizable issue tracking workflows, real-time collaboration, automated ticket assignment and escalation, integrated communication channels, and advanced reporting and analytics, revolutionizing how businesses manage and resolve issues, track progress, and improve overall service and support efficiency, challenging traditional issue tracking providers with more intuitive and streamlined solutions for effective issue management and resolution.
Country: Ukraine | Funding: $434.2M
GitLab is a web-based open source Git repository manager with wiki and issue tracking features and built-in CI/CD.
Country: Canada | Funding: $14.7M
ZenHub is the only collaboration solution that integrates natively in GitHub – creating a single source of truth for the entire company.
Country: Czech Republic
JetBrains is a software for developers who want to focus more on what they want to accomplish, and less on mundane, repetitive tasks.
Country: USA | Funding: $375K
Assembla is a cloud-based enterprise that offers online tools for distributed software teams to handle code management.
Country: USA
Acunote provides online project management and scrum software for enterprises.
Editor: Fernando Lopez
Fernando Lopez is a senior editor for SaaStartups. He joined the company after having previously spent over three years at ReadWriteWeb. Prior to his work as a reporter, Fernando worked in I.T. across a number of industries, including banking, retail and software. Fernando graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (Computer Science). He is more-than-averagely interested in photography and can often be found with a camera slung over his shoulder. He wrote a book about pitching startups to investors. You can contact Fernando at fernandolopez(at)saastartups(dot)com