4 books on Enterprise Blockchain [PDF]

Updated: December 21, 2023

Books on Enterprise Blockchain are essential references for startups in the Enterprise Blockchain industry, offering a comprehensive understanding of the technologies, strategies, and best practices critical for developing secure and scalable blockchain solutions for businesses. These publications cover a wide array of topics, including blockchain development, smart contracts, consensus algorithms, and use cases across various industries, equipping startups with the knowledge needed to create user-friendly, enterprise-grade blockchain applications. They often include practical case studies and insights from experienced blockchain professionals, enabling startups to learn from successful implementations and stay updated on emerging trends in the field, such as interoperability solutions and hybrid blockchain architectures.

1. Enterprise Strategy for Blockchain: Lessons in Disruption from Fintech, Supply Chains, and Consumer Industries
2022 by Ravi Sarathy

Unlock the strategic advantage of blockchain capabilities for your company with "Enterprise Strategy for Blockchain: Lessons in Disruption from Fintech, Supply Chains, and Consumer Industries." Business strategy expert Ravi Sarathy guides you through the evolution of blockchain, moving beyond its cryptocurrency roots to explore its disruptive potential. Discover the unique features of blockchain, such as eliminating intermediaries, enhancing security against hackers, decentralization, and privacy protection. Drawing on examples from finance, supply chains, computer services, consumer products, and entertainment, Sarathy illustrates how executives can strategically assess blockchain's relevance to their business. The book delves into blockchain's technological aspects and obstacles, examining disruptive technologies like decentralized finance (DeFi) in the financial services sector. Sarathy explores various use cases, including solving supply chain challenges, facilitating cross-border payments, and leveraging non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital art collection and trading. He outlines a roadmap for organizations, covering the establishment of a business case for blockchain, evaluating cost-benefits, and preparing the organization for knowledge development and skill acquisition while overcoming resistance to change. This book empowers business leaders to invest, explore, and experiment with blockchain, positioning their organizations as pioneers in their industries, ahead of startups and incumbent peers.
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2. Building Enterprise Blockchain Solutions on AWS
2021 by Murughan Palaniachari

Discover how to define your enterprise blockchain system using AWS's blockchain managed service with "Building Enterprise Blockchain Solutions on AWS." This comprehensive guide takes you through the practical implementation of blockchain applications in sectors like Healthcare, Banking, and Finance. Covering the entire process, from writing smart contracts to executing chain codes and deploying blockchain private networks, this book provides best practices for enhancing smart contracts, implementing authentication, managing security, and creating Ethereum wallets. You'll gain hands-on experience by building real-world decentralized applications for the Healthcare supply chain, Asset Tracker, and bank auditing applications using Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum. With step-by-step instructions, the book introduces you to blockchain fundamentals, AWS Blockchain offerings, and the Quantum Ledger Database. It then delves into Hyperledger Fabric concepts, guiding you through building networks, running chaincode, creating APIs and UIs, and adding members to the Fabric network on AWS. The third section focuses on Ethereum, covering smart contract writing with Solidity, deployment to the Ethereum private network on AWS using Blockchain templates, and the development and testing of smart contracts. By the end, you'll master Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and AWS Blockchain, becoming proficient in developing domain-specific dApps, constructing private networks, and running dApps on AWS Blockchain. You'll also be an expert in crafting and executing smart contracts with Solidity and node.js chaincodes.
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3. Architecting Enterprise Blockchain Solutions
2020 by Joseph Holbrook

Explore the intricacies of architecting complex blockchain applications in enterprise settings with "Architecting Enterprise Blockchain Solutions." This book is designed to guide engineers and IT administrators in comprehending the nuances of supporting and securing blockchain technology, integrating decentralized applications, and assimilating blockchain into existing enterprise IT infrastructures. Unlike most blockchain-focused books that primarily delve into cryptocurrency or development, this book provides a deep understanding of blockchain technology, unveiling its current and future applications in high-performance networks and intricate ecosystems. Offering a practical, hands-on approach, it demonstrates the capabilities of enterprise blockchains such as Hyperledger and R3 Corda and illustrates how blockchain can address complex IT support and infrastructure challenges. Packed with numerous hands-on examples and diagrams, this book prepares you to harness the power and flexibility of enterprise blockchains effectively.
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4. Blockchain for Business with Hyperledger Fabric: A complete guide to enterprise blockchain implementation using Hyperledger Fabric
2019 by Nakul Shah

Embark on a comprehensive journey into the implementation of enterprise blockchain with "Blockchain for Business with Hyperledger Fabric: A complete guide to enterprise blockchain implementation using Hyperledger Fabric." Published in 2016, this book was at the forefront of introducing the concept of enterprise blockchain, especially in the private permissioned blockchain space. With the emergence of Hyperledger Fabric, major multinational companies in sectors like banking, insurance, and retail embraced this technology, driving corporations and startups worldwide to adopt Hyperledger Fabric for efficient business solutions. To navigate this evolving landscape, you need the relevant technical expertise and knowledge, and this book is designed to provide just that. Whether you're a Blockchain developer or a Subject Matter Expert, this guide will empower you with the skills required to build and support solutions on Hyperledger Fabric. Starting with a brief introduction to the world of blockchain, the book covers all aspects of Hyperledger Fabric, including network setup, use case deployment, and testing. Practical examples are integrated throughout the book, offering hands-on understanding, and you'll gain proficiency in using the essential functions, libraries, and packages needed for deploying a Fabric business network.
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