4 books on News Reading apps [PDF]

Updated: December 21, 2023

Books on News Reading Apps are invaluable resources for News Reading startups, offering profound insights and strategic guidance in the fast-paced world of digital news consumption and content aggregation platforms. These resources provide a comprehensive understanding of app development, content curation, and user engagement, equipping startups with the knowledge and best practices needed to create innovative, user-friendly news reading solutions. They delve into crucial aspects such as personalized content recommendations, real-time updates, and monetization strategies, empowering startups to design platforms that cater to the diverse preferences and information needs of modern readers. Additionally, these books often include case studies and practical examples, offering guidance on adapting to various news niches and target demographics, from breaking news to specialized publications.

1. News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media
2020 by Ahmed Al-Rawi

"News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media" offers fresh insights and empirical evidence on the creators, consumers, and content of the News 2.0 landscape. This second generation of news, primarily found on the internet and social media, has reshaped the entire news industry. The book delves into how news production can exhibit biases and how social networking sites have evolved into personalized news platforms reflecting individual preferences and worldviews. Drawing from concrete evidence, the text provides a critical and analytical evaluation of recent developments, major debates, and contemporary research concerning news, social media, and news organizations globally. Ahmed Al-Rawi emphasizes the confinement of consumers within filter "bubbles" despite the abundance of news on social media. The book explores the content, audiences, and creators of News 2.0, addressing its direct impacts on democracy, politics, and institutions. Topics range from viral news on social networking sites to celebrity journalists and branding, the discourse around "fake news," and the rise of mobile news apps within diverse mediascapes. Employing computational journalism methods and cross-national comparative research, this distinctive volume delves into different aspects of news bias, evaluates how global media organizations cater to non-Western news audiences, and explores concepts like audience fragmentation on social media, viral news, networked flak, clickbait, and internet bots. Innovative techniques, such as topic modeling through text mining, offer a comprehensive view of news selection. "News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media" is a groundbreaking and enlightening resource for students studying media, communication, and journalism, as well as scholars, media professionals, journalists, and general readers interested in the subject matter.
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2. Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs: for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
2011 by Chris Dannen, Christopher White

"Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch" is your guide to enhancing your mobile apps with the power of social networking. This book empowers you to seamlessly connect your apps to Facebook and Twitter on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Rather than starting from scratch, you'll leverage the vast resources, robust data storage, and familiar features offered by these platforms, which have integrated into the daily lives of millions worldwide. "Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs" acquaints you with the development tools, techniques, and design principles required to work with these APIs. It aids in making the decision of whether to use Facebook, Twitter, or both, while covering essential aspects like design, branding, and adherence to usage guidelines. The book provides insights into ensuring privacy and employing OAuth for authentication and single sign-on. You'll learn how to create a variety of apps, including news apps, shopping apps, contact apps, GPS apps, guides, and more, offering users the convenience of seamless social interactions. These apps enable users to perform actions such as signing in once and efficiently managing their Facebook and Twitter accounts, publishing game high scores, sharing links, posting updates, sending messages, forwarding tweets, and much more. This book harnesses the potential of these social platforms, which have rapidly become integral to the fabric of social life across the globe. The knowledge gained from "Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs" equips you to develop exciting and popular iOS apps that will enrich the lives of users by fostering meaningful connections and interactions in their daily routines.
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3. Secrets of RSS
2006 by Steven Holzner

"Secrets of RSS" is your comprehensive resource for understanding, creating, and integrating RSS feeds into your website. Author Steve Holzner offers practical guidance to equip you with the knowledge needed to effectively utilize RSS. You'll learn how to connect to RSS feeds, manage them, and locate the content you desire. This book delves into the distinctions between RSS and blogs, providing insights into the workings of major RSS readers. It covers the creation and design of RSS feeds, their contents, formats, and links. You'll even discover how to create your own RSS feed from the ground up and subscribe to it. "Secrets of RSS" explores practical applications of RSS in the real world and introduces free tools and software for generating RSS files. The book also delves into finding, subscribing to, and creating podcasts and offers strategies for promoting your RSS feed. With a focus on RSS best practices and more, this book is your all-encompassing guide to mastering the secrets of RSS.
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4. Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies
2005 by Ellen Finkelstein

"Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies" is your key to efficiently managing and updating your website with the power of RSS. If you're looking to keep your clientele well-informed while boosting your business, RSS can be the solution. In simple language, this book guides you on how to utilize RSS to drive web traffic, enhance brand recognition, and streamline the process of delivering updates. You'll learn to select and install the right software, set up RSS feeds, and choose the format that suits your requirements. Whether you want to create RSS feeds from scratch, improve search engine rankings, or tailor content for your audience, this book covers it all. Additionally, you'll discover how to promote your RSS feed, provide value to your customers, and simplify the update process. By mastering RSS, you can make life easier for both you and your customers, ensuring your web content stays fresh and up-to-date.
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